Khăn lau phòng sạch 02074

Khăn lau phòng sạch 02074

Thông số sản phẩm

Hút tốt, tính kinh tế, lau khô tốt, tốt cho bề măt kiến, thép không rỉ,.. lint ít, tái sử dung, tăng cường nilon tăng bền.

Product Characteristics

Absorbent, Economical, Excellent Wipe-dry Capability, Ideal For Surfaces Such As Glass, Mirrors, Stainless Steel, etc., Low Lint, Re-Usable, Reinforced With Nylon Scrim For Superior Wet Strength


Khăn lau:

Khăn lau là sự lựa chọn kinh tế, không tạo xướt bề mặt. Giá thấp, ít lint.

Sử dụng tốt:

Ngành hàng không, ô tô, Công Nghệ Thực Phẩm, Quân sự, Công nghiệp sản xuất, chăm sóc sức khỏe

Scrim Reinforced Wipe:

Scrim wipers are an economical option where lint residue is an issue. Constructed with multiple plies of tissue and reinforced with nylon scrim netting for added strength yet will not scratch most surfaces. Low cost, low lint, no streaking, ideal for glass, mirrors, stainless steel and smooth surface cleaning. An excellent light to medium duty wiper. Can be used in both dry and wet applications. Good all purpose wiper. Made in the USA. Pop up inner box offers single portion dispensing. Available in 1/4 fold and flat put up options.

Recommended Product Industries

Aerospace, Automotive, Food Service & Hospitality, Government & Military, Industrial & Manufacturing, Janitorial & Sanitation, Medical & Healthcare